Now if my Art with Baby post was a little too messy for your taste, this is the perfect project for you. It contains and controls the mess while still letting your baby or toddler explore the art and what paint is.
Toddler Art Painting in a Bag. That's right keep the mess of paints and your toddler using the paints all inside a ziplock bag, that you can after throw away or rinse out to use again.
Cy helped me out with this experiment and even made his own to help show Sage what we were doing. You'll need:
- Ziplock Sandwich bag
- Paper, I used notecards but would suggest thick paper
- Paint
- Curious toddler
Zip up the baggie and hand it over to your child. Sage was pretty excited he got to participate and have his own art materials. He grabbed right a hold of it and took some time looking at the colors and figuring out how to smoosh them around.
Let your toddler explore and experience things at their own pace with a little guidance if they seem to be getting bored. We showed Sage how to take your finger and drag the paint around in the baggie.
Did I mention Sage really liked this project?!
Both kids enjoyed this project and the best thing there was no clean up! A great, easy art activity that can be done within 10 minutes. The perfect way to squeeze a little art into your everyday. When they finished we were all set for lunch!
Definitely fridge worthy art!Subscribe in a reader