Fashion Magazine

Today’s the Big Day…

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

I’m off to the Company Magazine awards ceremony and I just can’t wait to get there and meet all the other lovely shortlisted bloggers. I’ve enjoyed reading all their blogs and chatting via Twitter & email, and it’ll be great to put names to faces this evening. It’s such an exciting day for us all, and I am particularly wired because I never thought that I would be attending an awards event - it’s so far removed from my ‘normal’ life of quietly writing away in the comfort of my own home.

Cassiefairy outfit for style blogger awards from Apricot and New Look

This is what I’m going to be wearing, unless I have a last-minute wobble and panic-change into something else! And I’ll be sure to report back on the event as soon as I can


Here I go… *deep breath*

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