Exodus 13:17-15:18, Matthew 21:23-46
Psalm 26:1-12, and Proverbs 6:16-19
Go Ahead and just let out a blast of a laughter! Yep, you look to the right and there's a past due bill staring at ya. Now Look to the left and you see relationship trouble or the loneliness of desiring that special someone to be there. Yes, the enemy wants us to look at our circumstances and wallow in self-pity. The children of Israel still didn't get it when Pharaoh's army surrounded them in the wilderness. They were sore afraid, and blamed Moses and God for putting them in that situation. But God wants us to throw that devil a curve ball in his plan and just burst out laughing with joy for we know all of heaven is backing us! Just as God delivered the Israelites, He has and will deliver us! Now Give God a Krazy Praise because it's already done!!!!! What the enemy meant for our bad is working for our good! Now go get your stuff, all that God has for you!
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