Exodus 10:1-12:13, Matthew 20:1-28,
Psalm 25:1-15, and Proverbs 6:6-11
Matthew 20:1-16
So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.
Perhaps, your life has not been a crystal stair or things just seem to go from bad to worst, don't let the mirage fool you. Once you ask God into your heart and life, you are made new with a heavenly Father to look after you, protect you, and bless you real good. Of course, you know His hands has always been there, even when you didn't know Him. But now, you can experience God and all the benefits of your salvation on a whole new level.
At the same time, we do have an enemy that doesn't want us to see who we really are in Christ Jesus, and he will create a lot of 'smoke' to distract you. Just remember this, that no matter what it looks like, God's word will prevail in your life if you don't faint and give up! Sometimes, in life, we may have to steal away to quiet moments to refresh and renew our spirits in God, but never, ever give up.
It may seem like you are in last place, but God has a way of giving you that extra push, that wind from the holy spirit, and all of a sudden, the one no one ever expected to make it, is now the one they must look up to. When God does exalt you, remember to stay humble, and give Him all the Glory!!!! The last shall be first!
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