Location: Stroke Ward, Victoria Hospital, Blackpool
Dateline: Saturday March 21, 2015
Your dedicated Saturday Blogger writes:
I was surprised to find myself admitted here yesterday, after what I took to be a migraine refused to go away. Having spent an entertaining Thursday night in A&E, I was given a CT scan and told I’d had a TIA, a mild stroke, the only obvious symptom of which is slightly blurred peripheral vision in left-field. However, such events are triggered by something and the consultant wants to establish exactly what – so I am awaiting further tests which, given this is the week-end and the NHS is under stress, aren’t likely to be completed before Monday. I stay here in the meanwhile, having been dissuaded from discharging myself.
It’s the first time I’ve been in hospital on my own account since I was a baby and it’s an unnerving experience to be on the receiving end of so much medical attention. For someone who considers himself to be fit and leading a healthy lifestyle, it’s been a bit of a shock. I can’t fault the staff or facilities, both are excellent, but I could have done without this hiatus (as you may imagine) because there is so much going on with Blackpool Supporters’ Trust, Dead Good Poetics, house-renovation and all. Maybe therein lies the problem, but I don’t think so.
If not completely random, it is nature’s way of saying something is not right and I will take the best advice to get it remedied. I try to dismiss the thought that it might have been much worse and hope to be out of here soon and getting on with life – I have unfinished business.

It was something and nothing. The doctor called it an event but it seemed hardly worthy of the name. If that was a brush with mortality it was like the very finest sable being trailed over my left eyelid by the Master Painter.
I heard no cosmic laughter, felt no shock but I’ve acquired an irritating blind-spot at seven o’clock (and many minutes after).
Thanks for reading. Have a good week. Normal service will be resumed soon. S ;-) Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook