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To Bathe Or Not to Bathe Your Dog?

By David13676 @dogspired

To Bathe or Not to Bathe Your Dog?I notice that a lot of people drop off their dogs at the groomer just to get a bath. And while that’s okay, I would like to share with you three reasons why you should consider giving your dog a bath yourself. (Yeah, you and Fido in the bath tub!)

1.  Bath time can be a special bonding experience between you and your dog. Dogs generally love to be massaged and caressed. Bath time is a great opportunity to spend some quality time with your dog. You have to set the ambiance though, and make your dog feel comfortable.

2.  You don’t know what kind of products the groomer is using on your dog. Does your dog have sensitive skin? The harsh shampoos a groomer uses may be effective at bleaching your dog’s white coat, for example, but what effect will the chemicals have on your dog’s skin? Be an informed pet owner and take control of what goes on and in your pet. Use only natural, additive-free shampoos with no coloring, preservatives or toxins. I stock up at www.TopDogBoutique.com, because they have some really good natural shampoos to choose from, and they are not too pricey. Don’t forget conditioner for a soft coat.

3.  Save money (and time)! You don’t want to drop off your dog and wait for hours. Your your dog can be in a crate waiting, or even catching fleas from another dog. You have to go back and pick up Fido, and you end up paying more than it costs for a full bottle of shampoo and conditioner, which will last you at least 30 washes.

You might think that there is NO WAY your dog will let you bathe him or her, but these are my top three reasons you should consider doing so.

Next, I’ll share with you some tips about how to keep the bath experience enjoyable for you and your dog–or in other words, how to keep your pooch from throwing a tantrum!

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