Tech Magazine

Tips For Making Your Blogging Schedule More Efficient

Posted on the 11 May 2016 by Dfennell @BloggerGo


By now you already know that every business needs a blog, no matter how big or small it is. Small businesses can benefit as much from a well written blog as a big business can, even more so probably. Blogs help build awareness of what your business is all about, and it helps prove you’re an expert in your field.

For some businesses, blogging may seem like a lot of extra work. While there is still no definitive on how often you should post a new blog, whether it’s one a day or three a week, you still want to make sure you are getting new content up on a regular basis in order to attract readers and keep people coming back for more. Here are some tips to make blogging easier, even for a one man (or woman) business.

Plan Ahead

If you make a blogging schedule ahead of time for your business that includes topics and dates, it can really make it much easier to get the work done when it needs to be done. This will save you a headache coming up with ideas last minute as well.

Planning ahead can include doing a little research ahead of time as well. Maybe you want your post to tie into a certain holiday or sale. Having a calendar set up makes it easier on everyone involved in your blog. You can also write them ahead of time and use a system like Hootsuite to automatically post at certain times.

Save Everything

You never know when something could take down your computer or your website. With hackers and malware you can never be too safe. That means that it is extremely important to save your blog posts somewhere so that you can get to them and repost them in case something does happen.

While saving them on your computer in a word file may seem wise, if a virus crashes your computer you’re still going to be in trouble. Instead, use a cloud content storage place, like Google Drive or even Dropbox. Something like Evernote can direct post and save your stuff too.

Use A Layout

Having a specific layout for your posts can be helpful too. This way you know exactly where to put photos and lists, no matter what topic you are covering. It’s always easier to fill in blanks in an already started story than it is to fill in an entirely blank page.

By starting with a title, link ideas, your chosen keywords, and some subcategories, the rest should fill itself in almost automatically as you do a little research and start typing.

Don’t let blogging overwhelm you. Instead, take these tips and let them help make blogging for your business a little bit easier.

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