You’ve been told constantly that you need to have a blog, no matter the size of your business. But now that you have your blog set up, what do you do with it? It’s actually somewhat simple to run and maintain a blog, you just need a little time and some creativity.
The key to have a good blog that actually does something for your business is to make sure you are posting great information on it, on a regular basis, and finding places to share those links to attract people back to your blog. Well, and of course the keywords that you use to get found in search engines.
More so than anything, content is what matters. Of course, that includes your keywords and keyword phrases, as well as your link building exercises, but most importantly it’s what you tell people in your blog posts that is going to make a great blog and bring people in.
Use Celebrities
Everybody loves celebrities, and they even love reading about the ones they hate. When there is something going on in the world of celebrity that relates to your business, or what your business is about, use it to your advantage. Write an article, do a case study, and share that with people.
Whether it’s a celebrity they love or one they hate, they’ll read it just to get the scoop, and they’ll very likely share it on their own social media, which will give your business and blog a marketing boost.
Talk About The Things People Care About
Now, there are still people out there that don’t care one bit about celebrities, but they do care about the environment, the homeless, and people starving all over the world. If some of these things relate in any way to what your business does, use it. But make sure you use it in a way that is helping the cause and not just yourself.
Maybe you’re in the business of pet care and you write an article about all of the homeless or abused pets in the world. Maybe you plan to even donate a portion of sales to one of the charities that helps homeless and abused animals. This is a great way to market, and a great way to give back.
Make It Interactive
Don’t shut off the comments on your blogs. You want to know what people think of what you had to say, and they’ll be more likely to share something if they can also have some sort of say about it. Yes, you’ll get haters sometimes, but you can weed those out.
Being interactive is also about your finishing words to your article. Don’t just end the article abruptly, let your readers know what to do next. A call to action will help them move on from the article to something positive, like buying your product you just mentioned or donating to their own local pet shelters.