Tech Magazine

Tips For Blogging About Your Creative Ideas

Posted on the 13 July 2015 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

blog to success

There are many types of blogs you can start, whether you just want a fun hobby or you intend to monetize your blog. People love to read blogs, but there are already so many out there, so what can you do that is different?

An interesting idea for a blog would be an ideas blog. What’s that, you ask? Well, it could be many things, from a blog about invention ideas that you have but don’t have the time or money to do anything about to a blog with writing prompts that can help inspire other bloggers and writers.

How To Get Started

So, you have your idea to create an idea blog that shares great ideas with people that might be able to put them to use (and who knows, maybe one of them will give you a finders fee when they get rich). Now what?

Pick a website name and a hosting site and get your blog set up/ More people are likely to find you if you register your .com, .org, etc. While doing a so and so at slash whatever the name of your blog is can be simple and free, people like shorter web addresses.

Once you are ready to get going you need to get some content up before you start spreading the word about your blog. Your idea content doesn’t just need to be ideas, you can also share info on patents, copyrights and other behind the scenes stuff to do with your topic of choice.

Types Of Articles To Write

Other than some background articles, you also want to share lists and how-to articles, and pretty much anything else you want to share. People like photos, they like lists and they like to see a blog that is updated often with interesting and useful information.

Maybe you want to do different types of posts each weekday, like horror prompt Friday or kitchen invention Monday. Just make sure that you keep up with your posts and have fun with it.

How To Get Readers

Once you have some useful content up and your design is all looking good, it’s then time to start attracting readers. There are a few ways you can do that. The first is to make sure that you are using keywords to attract people by search engine.

The, of course, get on social media and promote the heck out of your blog. Start it’s own Facebook page, Tweet your newest posts, and ask your friends to share your link. You can also look for forums and Facebook groups that revolve around your topic of choice and share there as well.

You’ll continue getting new readers as you win people over with your well researched information and regularly updated blog.

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