From New Westminster's Steel & Oak Brewing comes their brand new New Westminster exclusive "Tin Soldier Pale Ale". The beer pours a golden colour with a white head. The aroma consists of citrus, grain and floral hops. The flavour is of citrus, resin, earth, bready malts and a great hops bitterness in the finish. The alcohol content comes in at 5% with an IBU of 33 IBU. This has to be one of the most complex Pale Ale's I have had in a while. Head out to New Westminster and pick some of this up soon.
This entry was posted in Pale Ale and tagged bready malt, bready malts, citrus, craft beer, earth, hopped, hops bitter, hops bitterness., indie beer, new west, new westminster, pale ale, resin, steel & Oak Brewing, steel and oak brewing co, tin soldier, tin soldier pale ale.