It feels like yesterday that it was 2007 and I was sat at the kitchen table with my mum, filling in my GCSE options form. I remember having to make sure that I was making the right choices to ensure I could do the A-Levels and degree I wanted to do in the future, and the 5 years following that were almost entirely shaped by that day.
Fast forward to 2013. I had my third year module fair today, where we told that we need to decide on our dissertation project by next month. Seeing the words 'final year' plastered on leaflets made my stomach do a huge backflip. Somehow, time has flown by at an alarming pace. I am graduating next year, which means that by next summer I can write my name followed by BSc. I might go into postgraduate study, I might enter the 'real world'...I am yet to decide but the idea of being out of my happy little university bubble terrifies me.
Quite a few people from my year at school are getting engaged and/or announcing their pregnancies online, and I'm still sat here single (2 years of failed dating since my last break-up) To be honest, my 'big plan' doesn't involve marriage or babies until I'm safely into my twenties - which begins in 2 months, eeek - but it's making me realize that the real world is lot closer than it used to be, and I want to live in my student world just that little bit longer. I'm clinging onto my last couple of months of being a teenager, but I have some big decisions to make.
For now, a cup of tea will solve it all.