Last week we premiered TIME FOR T’s “Long Day Home” from their new, self-titled EP, which is out today and which we now have the honor of premiering in its entirety. Having released two EPs prior, the band considers this one to be their first “official” release, having been properly recorded in a studio with greater attention to detail and quality. The bass and drums were recorded straight to tape at Beetroot Studios to create a “nice, warm sound”, and the rest was done at producer Tim Tidwell’s home where the pacing was nice and relaxed. The leisure and attention given to the process is evident in the EP’s mellow but very well-textured sound, recruiting a slew of their Brighton music pals along for the process on vocals, guitar, piano and violin.
This six-track collection is another taste of their eclectic brand of folk rock that moves at its own pace, dipping into tropicalia and reggae whenever it so desires. TIME FOR T rambles along without restraint as their frontman, Tiago Saga, tells his stories, always full of interesting characters, cigarettes, wine, colorful nights and affection for living life freely. It might just be Saga’s hair, but the unhurried pacing always feels reminiscent of Bob Dylan’s wayward swagger. Listen to TIME FOR T’s brand new self-titled EP above for maximum chill.