Timing is everything.
What you say depends a lot on when you say it.
Ever share something with someone and then get snapped at, all because they were having a bad day and took it out on you?
Yep, I've been on both ends of that one.
Timing can make or break a relationship; too much going on, too young, too busy, too much baggage. The list goes on and on.
Life goes by too fast. We should tell our loved ones how much we love them, everyday, every chance we have. We should help those in need. We should spend quality time together. We should say we're sorry, embrace the mess, and count our blessings at all times.
I'm not perfect; I say things I don't mean when I'm in the heat of the moment, I act out and get crazy (hormones), and I make mistakes.
But I'm a lover; my family means everything in the world to me and I cherish the time I get to spend with them. Zach's leaving for 15 weeks and I think I've been doing a pretty good job at soaking up every minute I can with him.
I'm so thankful it's not a deployment, but spending 15 weeks apart is no fun regardless of the situation. That's 15 weeks of a growing belly, 15 weeks of Bubba saying and doing new things, and 15 weeks of me playing the role of a single mother.
But that's life. We don't always get to choose the things that happen to us, and time is everything. He will (hopefully) be there for the birth, he was there for Bubba's first steps and "dada" and more. As a military spouse, it's rare to be there for the pregnancy, birth, and first year and I have to take everything that happens with a grain of salt.
Life isn't guaranteed; things can change at the drop of a hat and it's really hitting me how important it is to just unplug, relax, and enjoy the time we have together.
Have you said I love you lately? Have you hugged someone just because? Have you called your grandparents and just said hello?
Timing is everything. Will you make it the right time today?