When I first heard Sydney boy, Tim Fitz’ new single, Sour, I wasn’t completely sold on it. But after a few listens it grows on you, and here we are. The music is brilliantly crafted, the melodies are spot on and it’s catchy as all hell. Where it doesn’t really come to life is the recording quality and perhaps Tim’s voice. There’s a lot of effort in this and a hint of something great to come so it’s definitely worth a listen.
I’m in two minds about bands that write specific lyrics to places I know about. Lyrics referencing “The Darlinghurst darlings” kind of annoy the fuck out of me. But despite what Tim literally said in an interview, I’m going to choose to interpret this song from my perspective. I’d say the central theme to the lyrics is the realisation that growing up doesn’t suck at all and it’s the things that used to be cool when you’re eighteen that kind of suck. Those lyrics properly resonate. In Tim’s own words, “It’s also about that moment when you realize you’re 24 and Kings Cross on a Friday night is almost completely unappealing”. Amen brother.