I love the Tiger Saga because it possesses a certain amount of purity. Houck keeps her writing sweet and simple; her description of Indian culture and mythology is simply riveting. Looking for a better reason to check out the saga? Here's an excerpt from Tiger's Voyage.
I was about to keel over, but then I opened my eyes and looked at Ren. He was watching me with concern. When he saw that I’d opened my eyes, he smiled my favorite lopsided grin, the sweet expression he used only with me, and for just a moment the pain disappeared. For that brief instant, I allowed myself to believe he was still mine, and that he loved me. Everyone else in the room vanished and it was just me and him. I wished that I could touch his face and brush back his silky black hair or trace the arch of his eyebrow. I stared into his handsome face and let those feelings overwhelm me and in that fleeting time I felt the ghost of our emotional connection.