When I have got simply no energy left for rummaging through cupboards or hoicking out boxes I sit at the computer and blog hop, a mug of coffee warming my hands and snoozing doggies at my feet it's a pleasant way to spend an hour, and a much needed rest after cleaning out the henhouse and walking the dogs around the paddock in the snow.
To make myself feel virtuous and as though I have still accomplished something useful in my mission to declutter our lives, I have taken to re-considering a lot of the emails that are landing in my in-box with alarming regularity since the new year began.
It's as though everyone is demanding my attention to look at their products, asking that I click through to websites to peruse their wares and offering me the chance to win competitions that will reward me with more 'stuff'.
Well I must have unsubscribed to around a hundred various companies over the course of the last three weeks and still I am getting the odd new one, this morning's was from Ecover. Yes, I use some of their products, but NO I do not want to read about their stuff in my own in-box ... than you very much.
So this morning one more ...

... and hopefully one less email to read through next week.

And THE most annoying thing of all is the companies that then send you an email asking if the unsubscribe was a mistake and would you like to re-subscribe.

Sue xx
(All Images from Google.)