Food & Drink Magazine

Thursdays Bebe Bento

By Bebeloveokazu @bebeloveokazu

Wonton Bento - 2

You can’t have a blog post without photos. But I finally realized this morning that I can continue to blog, despite the fact that my iPhoto application on my laptop has been completely out-of-commission for about a week now. I can’t upload any photos from my camera to my laptop, and I can’t access any photos that were previously uploaded prior to my tech-mess.

Apparently, my iPhoto application is busy updating my library of 4,728, 137 files.

Do I even HAVE 4,728,137 photos in my library?

Whatever my lovely MacBook Pro is up to, I don’t like it. It’s preventing me from accessing iPhoto whilst it updates, my laptop seems slower, and sadly, it’s only on number 858,478, which means it looks as though I’ll have to deal with this for at least another two and half weeks.

Oh, and did I mention I can’t shut my laptop down AT ALL? Yup, it’s because iPhoto refuses to allow the system to shut down while it’s updating 4,728,137 files. So my laptop is also wasting electricity and probably ruining inches of our earth’s precious rainforest. Great.

On the bright side, this morning I finally realized that my  iPhone actually takes semi-decent photos that I can email to myself, open on my laptop, edit in Picasa, and then upload to my blog. All without the help of iPhoto. Of course, I didn’t haven’t to share all of the tedious details of my disdain for my laptop, but let’s just say I feel better now that I’ve vented, perhaps at the expense of your bored ears.

So today I took a photo of Bebe’s lunch, because I don’t have anything else exciting to post at the moment.

For some reason, Bebe E doesn’t care much for sandwiches. She would prefer to eat her meat, cheese and bread separately. Once in a while I can get her to eat honey ham or turkey if it’s in a Hawaiian King’s roll or if I make her mini sandwich squares using bread from Japanese supermarket. She refuses to eat store-bought bread from the regular grocery store. It’s a challenging sandwich situation that I face.

What Bebe E loves however, are “bento” or traditional Japanese packed lunches made with rice, vegetables and protein. She prefers that I place her bento box in a brown paper sack, just like the ones her Nene (older sister) takes with her to school.

Wonton Bento - 1

For me, making bento is actually easier than making a sandwich in the morning, because all it requires of me is to pack leftovers from dinner. Yes, it’s THAT easy. Then, I’ll warm-up leftover rice and then make mini onigiri in my rice ball mold which makes three at a time and saves time.

Today, however, I had leftover meat from last night’s dinner, so I decided to make a small batch of wontons while Bebe E was at school. (Follow recipe link here for my mother-in-law’s Chinese style wontons.) Then I packed leftover veggies: edamame / soybeans (another Bebe E favorite) and “soft” carrots (she likes her carrots par-boiled and soft, not crunchy – - – I know, she is a bit high maintenance like her mother) and I made her furikake onigiri / rice balls seasoned with Japanese rice seasoning. (Follow recipe link for our favorite salmon rice balls.)

I’ll usually pack a separate plastic container with sliced fruit, berries or a tangerine.

There you have it, Bebe E ‘s Thursday bento. Needless to say, she was happy with her lunch today.

Happy Bebe = Happy Mommy, technology challenges aside.


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