Charity Magazine

Throwing Dance and Party Fundraisers

Posted on the 11 February 2011 by Mregina @justfundraising
Throwing Dance and Party Fundraisers

This is a great way to give people a good time and have them donate money to your fundraiser goal. Creating a good atmosphere with friends, music and sound will help lift the crowds’ spirits and will end up benefiting your cause to! Here are a few ideas for throwing a few dance and concert fundraisers.

Decade Dances
You will have to tailor your dances to the age group attending to. Select the time frame and dress to the age group you will be inviting. Talk to your local church, school or community hall to see if they can give you a deal on hall rentals for dance fundraisers.

Decorate the hall in that particular period. Have the volunteers like bartender and coat check dress for that era to help set the mood. The food and drink should also focus from that period.

The 30’s to the 40’s for the older generation, the 50’s and 60’s for the baby boomers and 70’s to the current music for the younger generation. Prepare to break out your pastels for the 80’s because they seem to be the most popular in decade dances.

On Air Radio Dance
Radio stations are always looking for ways to increase their listening audience. Call up local radio stations and investigate college and universities in your area who may have stations. Invite them to do a live feed from your dance. The more advance notice you can radio stations the better because they may be able to run commercials for the event.

Concert Fundraisers
Again music will draw the crowds in and concerts help promote both the non profit organizations fundraiser and the bands playing. Most bands will play for good press and depending on the popularity of the group a percentage of the admission can be arranged.

There are a couple of key points to take your concert fundraiser from breaking even to lucrative. With advance notice of the gig an open area would be ideal. A large backyard or open space that can be set up free of charge would help to reduce fees. Depending on the age range of the donors who you will be targeting you can try to find local bands that will play for the exposure they will get for the event to a musical group that can span the generation gap.

With the basics of these ideas you can spin your own variation on these and come up with your own personalized fundraiser for your school or non profit group. Have fun with this because it’s just as fun to participate in as it is to attend.

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