Lifestyle Magazine

Throwback Thursday

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture

So I decided every Thursday from now on I am going to be shining some light on some relevant oldies, but goodies I think my readers should definitely check out!

Nail Art: Do or Don’t?

If you frequent social media apps like Instagram then you know that nail art is just a tad bit popular. There was a time that I was not sure how I felt about it. Generally, my personal style leans towards a more classic look. I’m more JCrew than Urban Outfitters…if that makes any sense. So while I am not afraid to try bold bright colors, I do sometimes worry that nail art could come off as tacky… Read More

Spring Into Winter


January is an interesting time of year to shop. Your options are the winter items that are on sale or very springy items. You could use this as a time to save money or if you are a shopaholic like me you could use this time to jump start your spring wardrobe…. Read More

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