The recent news of Instagram changing their algorithm has gotten some people all worked up. I don't particularly like or know what the change will bring but I certainly don't appreciate the mass hysteria and all the posts from panicked users asking people to turn on post notifications. I won't be putting up one of those nor will I be turning on any post notifications. Considering I feel like my feed is being spammed by anyone who posts multiple times in a row, I definitely wouldn't want a notification every time someone posts. I don't have notifications turned on for any other of the social media apps that I use either since I prefer to browse them at my leisure.
I've read several articles about the changes just so I could understand what is actually happening. First of all, Instagram has already stated that the change has not occurred yet. It will slated for the coming months and users will be notified beforehand. Basically once this change rolls out, instead of a chronological order, your
feed will be based on the likelihood of your interest in the content, your relationship with the poster and the timeliness of the post. This new feed will still effectively contain all of the posts from everyone you follow, it will just be in a different order.So instead of asking people to turn on notifications, which could likely end up with people getting annoyed by too many notifications, it would be better idea to start engaging more with the Instagram accounts you currently enjoy with likes and comments while encouraging your followers to do the same with your posts since Instagram will be tailoring your feed based on your activity.
Anyway back to our regularly scheduled programming. Hello April! March was a good month and I was more than happy to welcome spring and get out a little more. Here are a few highlights from last month. To see more, click over to my Instagram feed and if you like what you see, please follow along.
Grand Army Plaza looking pretty magical at twilight.CONTINUE READING ≫
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