Lifestyle Magazine

Through My Lens : Recently On Instagram

By Rolala @rolalaloves
Through My Lens : Recently On Instagram

Well the winter weather finally arrived and snowstorm Jonas blew in and dumped a winter's worth of snow over 24 hours onto NYC. Of course when I'm encouraged to stay indoors, I just want to go out so we took a short walk during the height of the storm. This is a video that shows how serious it got. These are just a few highlights from last month. To see more, click over to my Instagram feed and of course you can also follow if you'd like. 

I don't ever wish for snow because it is really only pretty when it is falling. The day and week after, it just becomes mounds of gray and black slush and slush lagoons which are a real pain to navigate around in the city. This isn't that bad btw. I just didn't want to snap a pic of the real grossness.

Through My Lens : Recently On Instagram
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