Organic fruits and vegetables can be expensive which is why I have compiled the following helpful tips to buying produce on a budget:
1. Buy in season: When you purchase fruits and vegetables in season, they are likely coming from your regional farmers which reduces shipping and fuel costs and thus the price tag. *Check out the following link for a complete guide to buying seasonal fruits and vegetables:
2. Buy from local farmers markets: There are many benefits to buying at local Famer's Markets such as the produce is often free of pesticides. It is also usually less expensive than if you were to buy the same fruits/vegetables in the grocery store. Finally, it supports your local farmers and/or businesses.
3. Buy by the Bag (Bulk): I have found that it is much cheaper to buy by the bag or in bulk at the grocery store. For example, a 5 lb bulk bag of apples costs me around $4, whereas individually they will cost me about $2.49 per pound. Sometimes there are even sales on the large bags of produce resulting in even cheaper prices per item. If you can't use all of the produce right away, freeze it for later use.
4. Freezer Aisle Produce: Often produce in the freezer aisle will be more affordable than it's fresh form and will last longer as well. Frozen vegetables are great for adding as a side to almost any dinner or as an add in ingredient to a casserole or soup.
5. Start A Garden: If you have the time and space for a garden this can save a huge amount of money on fruits and vegetables. Just make sure you purchase organic seeds are organic and read up on what fruits and vegetables are suitable for your region and season. My family has grown everything from okra to kale in our garden- it does not get any more fresh and local than your backyard!