So after many requests to see a photo of my finished sewing project I’ve finally pinned my husband down long enough for him to take a snap of me wearing it. So here is the finished item and me posing in front of my retro caravan (don’t go thinking I’ve forgotten about sharing my caravan makeover project with you – more updates coming soon!). What do you think of the fabric and color combinations? Rather summery, I think!
I still find the fit a little bit big for me, despite taking it in by two sizes during the making process. I actually measured myself and followed the guidelines on the pattern but when I’d constructed it (read last week’s blog post about the making process here) the top still needed taking down by two sizes before it would even hang right on my shoulders. I don’t think it’s anything that I’ve done wrong, I just think it is a generously sized pattern! Plus the stretch in the jersey probably would have allowed it to be even smaller and more figure-hugging, so perhaps next time I’ll make the pattern smaller and use an equally stretchy fabric.
I was very happy using the stretch bias binding around the neckline which saved me a lot of time and give me a more professional finish – I also like how it picks out the colours of the flowers within the pattern. Using the stretch thread from Minerva Crafts made it all the more easy to construct this garment from stretch fabric – the seams won’t rip, no matter how much pulling and stretching I do! Let me know what you think of my new floral top? I’m planning to wear it with a light gray blazer for a little extra warmth during this changeable Spring weather (see my blog post on dressing for Spring here) and it is already brightening up my wardrobe with a lovely burst of yellow and pink!
One more thing - I have a fabulous fashion giveaway running on Twitter to win this gorgeous Bon Prix dress in navy chiffon (worth £29.99) to add to your Spring wardrobe! Click here to see the competition tweet and enter by simply RTing & following me
Categories: Sewing projects, Thrifty Fashion | Tags: diy, fashion, jersey fabric, project, Sewing, stretch bias binding, thrifty, thrify, tutorial | Permalink.
Author: Cassie Fairy
Cassiefairy blogs about everything she does & anything that inspires her; popular culture, film, art, fashion, recipes, craft and design.