Fashion Magazine

Thrifty Fashion ~ Ideas for Cheap Festive Party Outfits

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

As you know, I regularly blog about thrifty fashion and DIY fashion hacks on the Oxfam fashion blog. Oxfam has asked me to share my favorite party dress with all their wonderful readers and I thought I’d show you it too:

cassiefairy thrifty charity shop chirstmas party dress festive outfit for oxfam fashion blog

My party dress was bought for me by thrifty mother who spotted it in our local Oxfam shop. I love the loose style and above-the-knee length, and the silver pleated fabric is perfect for the party season. I feel like Carrie wearing her blue Halston layered dress in the second Sex and the City film when I wear this dress! For parties and nights out I wear it with a black blazer with sequined lapels and cuffs which I found at a carboot sale. I wore it for a couple of Christmas parties last year and I kept warm by wearing black thermal tights underneath! I finish off the outfit with sparkly black heels (from another charity shop!) and I’ve also worn this dress to a summer wedding with a bright pink blazer and wedge sandals instead. It was a great charity-shop find and I’m sure I’ll be wearing again for festive parties this year!

Please check out the party dress article on Oxfam Fashion Blog and have a look at all the other Oxfam bloggers’ festive party outfits too – it’s great to get ideas for cheap party outfits and it’s amazing what gorgeous fashion looks these thrifty bloggers have been able to create on a charity-shop budget! And let me know if you’ve found any party bargains in a charity shop recently – I’d love to see your photos so please tweet me @cassiefairy :)

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