Unique things are easily spotted in the crowd. The property of these things irrespective of the type creates the difference from the clan. The same thing is valid for blogs also. Every day new bloggers are arriving with their contents to share with the public and gaining popularity slowly. But to stay ahead of the curve you need to be intuitive and foresighted. You need to find out the trends that are going to be very much popular in the upcoming years to draw more traffic. You can also read few important marketing tips about how to boost blog traffic.
Read More : Improve WebsiteTraffic by removing old contentReaders are always hungry for new and amazing things. Be it content or format. Below are the three trends in the world that will make a blogger popular.
Read More : Boost SEO Traffic Through Image Optimization1.Build "Sales" Man Ship
Every day we are selling ourselves (not literally) to meet both the ends. Similarly a blogger must have unique selling skills that will turn his bog into a hot piece of cake. is not only a passion anymore but has become a source of bread and butter. You can find some blogging tips to make money online and Tops bloggers list.
Read More : Make Money OnlineIf it is your to blog, then blog it right. The main motive of the content must be engaging the reader. At the end of the day you are selling something via your . Be it your insights for a niche topic or an ad for an e-book. So find out ways that attracts more crowds and do it in style.
Read More : eCommerce Sale 2. The engagement aspectNo matter what you are writing in the blog, be it a promotional material or an awareness topic for the public it must be catchy. It should attract the attention of the readers for a long time. Hence adopt techniques like posting video links in reference to the content or input images for making the reading experience better. You can share tips and tricks through youtube, Here is mine first video to Download Youttube Video
Do not be a stubborn blogger. Adapt yourself with the changing trends. Offer the readers to free download interactive material like worksheets, videos, wallpaper, templates, wordpress theme and free tools which will make the blog interesting. Everyone likes to visit again when something is offered. But remember that your material must be informative and relevant. Do not post anything invaluable or unnecessary things that might mislead the visitors. Introduce mediums other than reading to get repeat visits.
3. Acquire the email list of visitors
The list of visitors' emails in your hand is like a magic potion. First of all if you have followers you will have their email. You need to remember that they have given you their email ID because they like your material and want more from you. Hence you need to feed them good piece of articles regularly.
Read More : Social Media Marketing Tips for 2016Social media is a very good to gain subscriptions from the followers. The media also helps you to circulate your work for free and you get more and more exposure. But you need to keep in mind that you have to quench the visitors' thirst for new material. A reminder mail is a good strategy to follow and keep them engaged.
Read More :Social Media Marketing TipsFollowing these trends will make your blogging successful. Respect the comments and welcome criticism from the readers and achieve great heights in the blogging world.
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Savita Singh is the author of computergeekblog, She has a superlative knowledge of Graphic and Web designing. She is a part time blogger who loves to write about latest technology, social media and web design. Her blog focuses on creative things of designing and tech, providing professional opinions on designing products, performances and a variety of business.