TV & Video Magazine

THR: Eric & Sookie Earned That Full Moon

Posted on the 01 August 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

The Hollywood Reporter has released their review of True Blood Episode 6, I Wish I Was The Moon! We think you’ll like what they had to say about it! ;)


THR: Eric & Sookie Earned That Full Moon

Credit: bexitah.tumblr

The full moon typically belongs to the weres and shifters on HBO’s True Blood. But after Sunday’s episode, Eric (Alexander Skarsgard) and Sookie (Anna Paquin) took back the night for good old-fashioned lovin’.

We felt the ground tremble last week when the two star-crossed lovers kissed, but we’re pretty sure the fan reaction to the couple’s love scene would probably register off the Richter scale.

We have to say that the scene was well earned for both the characters and their fans. The two have been on a collision course since the first season. Eric’s memory loss has acted like a reset button as he’s forgotten all the hate that has built up since Godric (Allan Hyde) changed him and his family were brutally killed. What’s left is a man who never wanted the life he was given and in effect never lived it.

At the same time, Sookie was finally in the right place to receive Eric in this newfound state. No longer Bill’s (Stephen Moyer) human and pretty much alone in the world as everyone around her has either died or moved on to their own very difficult lives, Eric’s plain honesty moves her. After all the posturing, politics, and lies that Bill subjected her to, spellbound Eric arrived at the right place and the right time.

They continue to speculate on how things may or may not be over between Bill and Sookie.  :roll: But we’ll leave that part alone and chose to say, ‘No Comment!”

And what will become of Eric when his memory is restored? Will all the hatred come rushing back? Will his will for revenge against the witches wash away all the innocence he displays now?

Sookie’s gran warned her (and therefore us) in the last episode that this is all temporary and she seemed worried that her granddaughter was falling in love. If Sookie didn’t heed the warning, shouldn’t we?

In the world of True Blood, nothing ever stays uncomplicated. And we have to know that the producers will throw a wrench in Sookie and Eric’s budding romance. Yet, there’s one thing we are also sure of: Sookie and Eric will always own that perfect, sexy, romantic moment under a full moon.

THR: Eric & Sookie Earned That Full Moon

Credit: bexitah.tumblr

If things were to change once Eric gets his memory back, would that scene under the full moon be enough for you, too?

Well, WOULD it?

You can read the entire review here: The Hollywood Reporter

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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