I mentioned to Paul the other day how I'm aching to hop on a plane and go to Paris. The next day, my friend Hazel of Think Foto in Denmark sent me some pictures of her recent trip to Paris. How fortuitous! How heart breaking! I want to be there! But I'll view it from the eyes of this talented photographer any day.
I just want to be surrounded by beautiful buildings and people and food and museums and flowers and gardens and lamp posts and building materials. It used to be so easy for us. An hour's plane ride and a nominal plane fee. That's one of the perks of living in Europe.
I'm not the biggest fan of traveling--the packing, the air time, the scheduling, etc.--I'm a fan of beautiful things and places and traveling gets me there. I've come to a point in my travels where I'd rather really spend quality time in a city rather than zip from one landmark to another. I'd rather plop down for a few weeks (or months!) and really get to know that town, possibly even avoiding major landmarks (though they are major for a reason.) But that's a luxury of time and money I suppose. Don't these pictures of Paris in the springtime make your heart ache?
How do you travel? Do you like the zippy trips or would you prefer months in a town?
photography by Hazel Cockayne of Think Foto