1. So they found that radioactive capsule. I think there's so much more to that story. Their explanation of how it was lost makes no sense. I think they're lying. Glad it's been found.
2. You only have until the end of next month to redeem your Back to MAC empties before the program ends.
3. Mecca's Beauty Loop Boxes are out. Good time to purchase if you need anything. If you don't need anything imo the blb's are not a reason to purchase.
4. Pre-orders are open for the Galaxy S23 phones. You get a free Galaxy Watch 5 if you order with Telstra. They've reintroduced the 36 month plan so if you're on a plan with the S22 you might be able to save money by switching to the S23.
5. I'm sad the school holidays are over, they were so much fun. I love being at home with my babies.