Hair & Beauty Magazine

Thoughts of the Week

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
1. My gym re-opens next Saturday and I couldn't be more excited.
I was so excited that I couldn't sleep Friday night because I kept on thinking about getting back to the gym.
2. I sound like a gym junkie. I really am not a gym junkie. But I do like going to the gym.
3. We're going to Perth this week. I'm so excited. It's been a long time since I went anywhere. 
4. Who's going to be watching Big Brother? I'm not. It hasn't even started and I'm over it. The constant advertising is annoying.
5. I can now officially say that we are no longer a FIFO family. This week Tiger told his boss that he won't be coming back. Yay! Seven years and one month of FIFO is over.

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