For the first time in years I feel like I might have found some people
who can help Chai. A lovely twitter friend put me on to a Psychologist
and we've got a new GP. Neither of them believe in medication as first
option. Finally.
I've done way too much peopling this week. Whilst they're all people I
love and want to spend time with, being social five days in a row is
more than this introvert can handle.
3. Obela Hommus is lovely. Our favorite is the roasted pine nut flavor.
4. Mario Badescu now has lip balm in a squeezy tube. Clearly I need it.
Has anyone had a midlife crisis? I'm thinking it might be fun. My
family live to over 100, so if I have my midlife crisis at 50 I've got 4
years to plan it. Suggestions are welcome.