2. Craig McLachlan's excuse for sexual harassment shows exactly the issue.
People who think that unwanted sexual advances are "cheeky" are the problem. They aren't cheeky, they are illegal. It's not okay. Nor is saying that everyone else was doing it.All workplaces should be free of sexual harassment and if other people are behaving inappropriately, instead of joining in, it's up to those in positions of seniority and power (such as Craig), to call it out and put a stop to that behaviour, not add to it.
People in power don't seem to understand that those below them don't feel confident enough to speak up about behavior that they aren't comfortable with. If a boss or senior person is harassing you, calling them out could cost you your job, so of course the person won't speak out.
It's not funny, it's not cheeky, it's not a joke and it's definitely not okay. It's harassment, pure and simple. Get with the program people.
3. My beautiful Maya has started teaching trauma yoga. Check her out here. If you don't live in Sydney that's okay, get it touch and she'll sort something out. Trust me when I say it'll be worth it.
4. I've told Maya this already but I'll tell you too, she's going to do amazing things. Also, few people rock a bright lip like Maya does.
5. Hope you all had a wonderful Australia Day.