Fashion Magazine

THN on Radio Moda

By The Hippie Nerd @thehippienerd
THN on Radio Moda
THN on Radio Moda
Today I had one of the COOLEST experiences on the island… appearing as a guest on the radio station, Radio Moda!At first I was SO nervous, but once I relaxed, I had a blast!!
Thank you so much to Carlos and Airam for having me on their show (and taking the first pix), it means the world to me!   Thanks also to my GREAT friend Manuel for capturing the moment on his iPhone (second pix).
P.S.Tomorrow starts my AMAZING new photography course.I am SO excited to go and, while I’m gone, my editor Jenny will post for me.Enjoy!
Photography: Radio Moda and Manuel HazouryAuthor: Yazmin YearaEditor: Jenny Perusek
Love, THN*

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