Ok, it’s finally here! The complete list of participants forthe THN BAZAAR: The Hippie Nerd,Vintage Clothes, Chuleria en Pote, Stracciatella, Accessory Boutique, CarlaDajer (Collares Unicos) , Domi’s Cupcakes, Mimi Rose,Funke Emotions,Coconat by Natalie Ramos,Marcia Moran, Mi Ponchesito, Sfilano, Accesories by Cinthia Garcias and many more. Thiswill be a great time for us all to get together and find some AMAZING gifts forthe holidays!
Don’t forget that the THN BAZAARwill be held at Kalimocho, starting at 4 p.m. Once 10 p.m. hits, there will be a winter fashion event withmusic by Freakhaus, DJ Ronny, and one special guest DJ.
I can’t wait for the first annualTHN BAZAAR! Don’t miss out!Author: Yazmin YearaFlyer: Graciela De Ramon Editor: Jenny PerusekLove, THN*