Social Media Magazine

This Year in Review: Social Media in Numbers

Posted on the 27 December 2012 by Cendrinemedia @cendrinemedia
Social Media Numbers

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2012 has proven to be a very busy year for social networks — and people involved in social media.

Here are some of the latest stats and facts.


  • 1 billion monthly active users
  • 80 percent of monthly active users are outside the U.S. and Canada
  • 584 million daily active users
  • 604 million monthly active users on mobile

(Source: Facebook)


  • 25 million users
  • 3 billion check-ins
  • 1 million members use the Merchant Platform

(Source: foursquare)


  • 400 million users
  • 100 million active users

(Source: Google+ news)

  • 625,000 new users every day
  • +1 button used 5 billion times per day

(Source: AllTwitter)

  • 48 percent of Fortune Global 100 companies use Google+ (source: Burson-Marsteller)
  • Users spend on average of 12 minutes on the site every day (source: Jeff Bullas)


  • 2 new signups per second
  • 187 million members worldwide
  • 3 billion people searches conducted (as of September 2012)
  • 175,000 profiles created every day
  • 25 million profiles viewed daily
  • 135 million monthly unique visitors

(Sources: and LinkedIn)


  • 2,9 million daily active users
  • 20,5 million monthly active users

(Source: AppData)

  • 3.6 percent of referral traffic (Source: PR Daily)
  • 80 percent of users are women (Source:


  • Over 25 million users (May 2012)
  • 1.2 billion monthly Stumbles
  • Users spend an average of seven hours on the site every month

(Source: The Realtime Report)


  • 86.7 million blogs
  • 39 billion posts
  • 17,7 billion pageviews

(Source: Tumblr)


There are now more than 200M monthly active @twitter users. You are the pulse of the planet. We’re grateful for your ongoing support!

— Twitter (@twitter) December 18, 2012

  • 163 billion tweets (July 2012)
  • 175 million Tweets sent daily
  • 11 accounts created every second
  • 1 million accounts created daily

For more stats, visit AllTwitter


  • 800 million unique monthly visitors
  • 4 billion hours of video watched monthly
  • 72 hours of video uploaded every minute
  • 3 hours of video uploaded from mobile devices per minute

(Source: YouTube)

Social Infographic by-

For more stats and facts, you may also want to read the following:

Where do you think social media is headed? And, according to you, which social network will be at the top in 2013? 

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