Don’t know how many of you like the beautiful season of winter but I just love it. The weather has something special like ‘magic’! As its mornings are equally striking as its evening, one cannot feel dull entire day. However, we do require staying cozy at times but that also makes us feel so good, isn’t it? Lying beneath a blanket or holding a hot cup of coffee is such a pleasing experience in the winter season. Only one thing bothers me this season and I am sure to any other women as well. What is it?
Well, its seasonal skin? Really, I fell off my chair when I heard the word for the first time. It took me a little while to get the hack out of Seasonal Skin. Naah, there isn’t any rocket science. It’s just a new name to the universal skin problem we all women face (Don’t care if men faces or not).
However, this term urged me to talk to you about the skin flaws that trouble us in winter season. I know the skin issues like itchy scalp, cracked heels and dry skin are no less than a nightmare, which comes true when the winters arrive. Already scared, as they are soon to approach!
Since my childhood, I have seen women around me craving to make their skin look flawless in winters, but all efforts went in vain. Even I too had faced such issues like tight cheeks, chapped lips, itchy skin and much more but now I have decided enough is enough! Now we will fight a battle against this stubborn issue and make sure that it gets curbed.
How? Well it’s easy, all you have to do is to include some organic beauty products to your skincare regime rather than only depending upon chemical based cosmetics and skincare products.
Do I need to explain you all the benefits of organic products? Everyone knows that our “mother nature” has all the solutions hidden in her lap; all we need to do is to make efforts and explore them.
Before we start with the solutions let me tell you that having a proper diet is equally important for healthy skin. So make sure to include fruits and vegetable in optimum ratio in your diet.
So to help all my damsels in distress I have few natural remedies that can give mind blowing results if practised. So shall we start?
Tip 1

To get clear and healthy skin in winters it’s wise to intake lukewarm water with lemon added to it.
Tip 2
Take one tablespoon of oats boil them and mix them with one tablespoon of lemon juice. Let it dry and remove it gently. Rinse face with lukewarm water. This home-made quick remedy will be a good exfoliator.
Tip 3
Tip 4
Tip 5
Not many know that applying glycerin mixed with lemon can make their skin radiant and healthy. You can make mixture of glycerin and lemon and store it in a bottle and apply it ever night before going to bed.
Besides these measures, you can also follow some easy tips to keep your skin protected from the cold winds.
-Take lukewarm water bath to cleanse your skin.
– Keep your skin covered with scarves.
– Avoid petroleum base moisturisers.
– Use homemade facial masks from honey, avocado or yogurt
So, now that you have the ways to win the battle against dull and dry skin issues prevailing in the winter season, why worry? Just implement them and move out with glowing skin!
This was it for the week; soon I will be back with another beauty oriented blog just for beauty lovers. Till then go organic and look gorgeous!