Blogging on a Sunday? Who knew?! My friend Melinda is visiting for the week and she brought the sunshine. You are welcome anytime, friend! Last week Paul and I went to Kulturhavn, which was basically lots of events going on at all the different harbors around town, hence all the balloons and papel picado above. The polaroid is a little sneak peek of an upcoming project I'm stoked to show you. And Friday night we attended the
Dansk Dansetheater at Polotigården for Melinda's birthday. The show wasn't as good as last year's but
Charlotte did the amazing costumes and we just love the excuse to attend a concert in the amazing police headquarters. It's outside in the circular courtyard surrounded by pillars. It feels a bit Sound of Music where the Von Trapp's are singing their final performance before making their escape. Speaking of the Von Trapp's, we are heading to Vienna and Salzburg this week for a quick trip, do you have any suggestions? I've never been but I have a secret wish to love it. We are most definitely doing a Sound of Music tour, and I love Mozart so something Mozart-y? Anyone?
This week
Katie will now be doing a monthly playlist for Lars. Wahoo!
The Blog'nhagen
video was released and I think Liv captured just how much fun we had.
Outfit to Room 2, think fluffy stilettos
Pixelated post-its
Amanda and Cree Jones tell us what meant the most at their wedding on Brooklyn Bride