Gadgets Magazine

This Super-light Futuristic Helicopter Gets Powered by Hot Air

Posted on the 19 June 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


You are not looking at a helicopter from a futuristic sci-fi movie. This thing is real and you’ll be seeing a lot of these in the air very soon.  The Belgian company Sagita brought their latest development, ‘Sherpa’ a super-light-weight helicopter to the Paris Air Show 2013, showing off the new technology that makes this tiny thing fly using hot air.

Sherpa is only 15.8-feet long and has a cockpit of 4.8 feet wide and 4.1 feet tall. According to Gizmag, the company claims this machine to have 3 hours of fight time and score a 158 km/h (85 knots) speed. The impressive technology has actually made this helicopter more efficient and affordable than most others. Sagita plans to release Sherpa in about 3 more years with a price tag of about €150,000, which is around $200,000 in USD.


I can actually imagine people flying around in these to work and going shopping, in just a few more years. Unlike other concept model flying things, this will be real, soon. You can check out the first test flight of a small scale mode of this awesome helicopter after the jump.

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Roshan Jerad Perera

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