BlackWomen please continue to Stand Up, as we are the backbones of our families and communities! We need each other even more now, and must keep our families in tact and love on & uplift our Kings as much as we can! Love you Queens.
This is what we as #BlackMothers are up against and fear everyday! Not only do we have to worry about our husbands, sons, nephews, etc.being gunned down by racist “hit men in blue uniforms”. Wow they had us celebrate Independence Day singing & screaming “God Bless America” all weekend only to start our week like this…
We have to now think about ourselves and daughters, mothers, aunts, etc. being violently attacked or killed by anyone of them who feel Our lives mean nothing.
Find us online & join our CALL TO ACTION live chats as we sound off in the name of HEALING from the disturbing images and realities of this week. Below are links to connect with us on other social media. When all els fails use hashtag #bwsu to find us. Will post our broadcast schedule & replays on Periscope too ! @BlkWomenStandUp
We had to bless you with this poignant post shared our BWSU Facebook…
Fb, please help me understand if it can be understood… Why is it that our government, city, state and locals, don’t understand that we are, mentally and emotionally tired of our husband’s, son’s, nephew’s, and any and every other black male in our families being shot down like DOGS… They are loved just as much as WHITE males…. Why is it that folk fail to believe that we LOVE THE BLACK MALES IN OUR FAMILIES JUST AS MUCH AS ANY OTHER CULTURE AND OR RACE… a mother is a mother, a wife is a wife, doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, yellow or green,… as a matter of fact I believe we love our black males even Harder because of all the BS they’re up against… When a black women gives birth to a male child that’s when all her worries begin… PEOPLE, BLACK AND WHITE please let’s come together on saving our children…. Black men I’m talking to you mostly START RESPECTING YOURSELF, YOUR WOMEN AND YOUR CHILDREN… if you don’t no one else will… It all begins WITH US… WE as a people… THE FIRST WAY TO START IS BY PULLING UP YOUR FUCKING PANTS… come on now… Love yourself so that maybe the kkk in blue, the HIT MEN IN BLUE can stop killing u off…. Please, please, please… This goes to all my fb family and friends… Let’s start today… I pray that NOTHING like this happens to my SON OR GRANDSON because only GOD KNOWS their’s not enough hit men in blue uniforms to stop me… I’m going to leave it at that… I pray for all of our black males… And most importantly BLACK MEN PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOP KILLING EACH OTHER… God bless
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God Bless you family.
Peace, Love & Protection,
Black Women Stand Up