Gadgets Magazine

This Guy Built a Robot That Steal from Vending Machines

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Nrjperera @nrjperera


This French guy, holding that soda, didn’t actually pay for that. He just stole it, using his creepy robot arm that goes up on woman’s skirts.. wait, no sorry, I meant to say vending machines.

The creator and YouTuber ioduremetallique (I can’t even pronounce that name), explains his creation in French, which I don’t understand a word. But, the tech behind the robotic arm doesn’t seems to be that complicating. It can be controlled via something like a game controller and when it’s squeezed inside, the arm retracts and grabs a soda, then bring it back outside.

We don’t have vending machine here in my place. If we did, we would be the first to make something like this because when it comes to stealing stuff, we Sri Lankans are pro’s. Well, it’s good to know this French guy have succeeded in that, at last. Check out the video and witness the crime scene.

[Via: Geeky Gadgets / Source: YouTube]
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Roshan Jerad Perera

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