Hair & Beauty Magazine

This Dermatologist’s Nighttime Routine Is a Must Follow

By Sparklingker @sparklingker

We chat with our favorite fashion and beauty experts about the beauty products they use down to the last drop. We asked the board-certified dermatologist to share all the products she’s loving right now.

Social media is rife with misinformation and misleading claims that cause confusion and concern among consumers and patients. There are online dermatologists who use their voices to cut through the noise. One of those doctors? Dr. Robinson is the founder of Tone Dermatology. Dr. Robinson uses her social media platform to provide information and advice on skin care, as well as advocating for diversity and inclusion in the beauty industry.

The beauty products that Dr. Robinson shares are mainstays in her routine.

During the winter, I use this as the last step of my body-care routine. I will use a regular body cream and top it off with some kind of liquid. I wear masks all day long and the lower half of my face gets so dry because of it, I like using this on my lips. After I cleanse my face, I put a little bit of water on my lips and apply a Cerave-like product to my skin, which acts like a concentrated mask.

I always have this in my house. I can use it, my kids can use it, and it won’t irritate your skin, because it’s part of their sensitive skin collection. It smells great.

A lot of my practice is related to hair and educating patients to make sure they use products that don’t conflict with their hair condition. Since I bleach my hair, I need to use a hair mask that protects the hair, and this one has a blend of peptides and proteins, which is great.

K18 is a hair science.

It has 30 percent THD, which is the most potent and least irritating form of vitamins C.

I always try out new sunscreen formulas. I really like this one. I used it on vacation. It is a mattifying oil, which is great if you are on the beach, and you want something that is easy to apply.

The formula has color-correcting technology, so it adjusts to your skin tone because of the way light reflects off the zinc particles. I warm the product up in my hands and then apply it to my skin. It blends in perfectly.

I am in love with the product of the Epara brand. It has plankton extract in the formula, which helps out dark spots. I use this balm instead of Vaseline on nights when I don’t want to use it on my face.

I use the serum around my eye because I inject theotulinumtoxinA in that area, and it works on the lines on the muscle underneath, so it pairs really well with theotulinumtoxinA.

images: coveteur

source: coveteur

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