Herewith, just that, a list, incomplete as it is, of all the things we have Republicans and their Republican Party to thank for.
--Senator Joe McCarthy and his attacks, repeated, on fellow Americans
--Richard M NIxon, who famously/infamously quit the office of our Presidency because he illegally had his own men break into a room of the Watergate Hotel to get information on his opponent(s) in the Democratic Party
--Ronald Reagan and his dismantling of the middle class what with cutting taxes on corporations and the already-wealthy and then his additional attacks on Unions across the nation
--The very illegal Iran-Contra affair of, again, Ronald Reagan which was when "Senior administration officials secretly facilitated the sale of arms to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which was the subject of an arms embargo." (Source: Wikipedia)
--George W Bush, who also famously/infamously ignored his Presidential Daily Briefs warning us of a pending attack on the nation
--The 9/11 attack, see above, in which 2,977 very innocent Americans lost their lives
--The squandering of our national budget by, again, yes, George W Bush who took that budget surplus we had under his predecessor, Bill Clinton, and blew right threw it
--And the way "Dubya'" blew through our nation's budget surplus was by, of course, using 9/11 as an excuse to attack not just one but two nations, Iraq and Iran
--Then there's the way Dubya' flew TWELVE BILLION DOLLARS, in an airplane, to Iraq. And let it disapper. Yes. True. Really
How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq
--The intentional disenfranchising of at least hundreds of thousands, if not, in fact, millions of taxpaying citizens by using "voter ID" laws all so they, Republicans, could either get or stay in government office
--The denial of fair and true representation in our government due to gerrymandering which either puts or certainly keeps their own members in government office, instead of the rightly-elected
And now:
--Donald J Trump.
--Immigrant children in cages at our Southern border
--Immigrant families separated at our Southern border
--Immigrant children lost in our governmental penal system, away from their parents, because they were separated at our border and with no clear way to rejoin them, the children to their families
--Some of the greatest wealth inequality, today, in our entire nation's history
US income inequality jumps to highest level ever recorded
--Large tax cut after large tax cut for the already-wealthy and corporations all the while ignoring or denying the people's true needs, fairness, decency, equity and/or the nation's debt
--The worst national response to the worst international, killing pandemic in the last more than 100 years resulting in our nation's death toll from it all is the worst in the world, literally. The "world's wealthiest nation" with nearly 400,000 citizens dead from COVID-19 and still counting
--An insurrectionist, treasonous, traitorous attack from a President's supporters, on our nation's Capitol
--Pipe bombs, during that same attack on our Capitol, by this President's followers, at the Republican National Committee and Democratic National Committee Buildings
--Feces and urine left behind on this same treasonous attack on our nation's Capitol
--Threats from more of those same treasonous, traitorous people following a/this President to do it again, that is, attack our nation's Capitol again, this time on January 17, January 19 and/or January 20 because their leader told them he didn't lost an election which he really did decisively lose
--The legitimately most scandalous, scandal-ridden presidency and President in the nation's historycomplete with obstruction of justice, perjury and collusion with our known, sworn international enemy, Russia, to get himself elected. (That last part verified by our own FBI and intelligence agencies
So there you are, fellow Americans. An ugly, ugly and yes, keep in mind, very partial list of what Republicans have done and are responsible for in our nation and our nation's history. And keep in mind, this is still with 10 days left to go in this President Donald J "Jenius" Trump's presidency.
Let's hope it doesn't get any worse.
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