11. Laughter - so simple but brightens everyones day.
12. Success after hard work - there aren't many better feelings than accomplishing something after sheer hard work and determination.
13. Waking up to a text - such a simple yet sweet thing. It makes me feel like I'm thought of (sad I know).
14. Lazy days - I don't get many of these any more, but when one comes around I enjoy it to the max.
15. Clean bedsheets - another so simple thing that really makes a difference.
16. Pretty views - there are lots in my area, breathtaking and peaceful.
17. Silence - goes hand in hand with pretty views really, peaceful.
18. Trying something new with my wardrobe - throwing together a different kind of outfit, everybody needs this every once in a while, its like creating a new you!
19. Discovering my favorite food on special offer - so sad I know, yet this really does make me so happy. The latest excitement over special offer food was Special K cracker crisps at just 99p!!
20. Crossing things off my to do list - a real feeling of productivity, which doesn't happen often.