Lifestyle Magazine

Things I’m Loving …

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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No introduction … first thing I’m loving is bloggy breaks without stress. Unintended, life gets in the way kind of breaks. It’s been a little full on, and unfortunately it is not my story alone to tell. Except it’s been a full on. You’ll have to trust me on that. But, for the first time, the blog has been the thing to drop off.

Priorities. In my life, in my job,  I’ve have plenty of reminders that life is good and to not sweat the small stuff. We have a saying among my colleagues: “On a scale of 1 to 10 …”. It reminds us that in the grand scheme of things, most issues are really only a one.

Blossoms! There are buds starting to burst all over and the temperature is getting closer and closer to 20 degrees. Spring cannot be far away.

September also means iTunes Festival. This is seriously one of my favorite times of years. Artists streaming free to my lounge  room. It’s a little early for Down Under but iTunes have done some fantastic things for catch-ups and replays. Bookmark it and don’t miss it!

If you’re a desk worker type like me,  then you’ll want to bookmark this post on Yoga Hacks to undo the damage of a desk job. The past few weeks I’ve been doing a weekly, early morning yoga session. And for this former night owl, this has been a big deal. But, wow, how good does it feel. So if you doing nothing else, do this!

Also September photo a day [time to try again?] / this couple’s incredible story / love this photo shelf ~ wondering if I can convince the Mr to make it?

What’s blooming lovely in your world this week?

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