I love Aeoniums, it is a fantastic group of succulents but this year only one made it outside (Poldark), the rest remained in there. I have bought a few more in the past month or so to add to my collection and they all went straight into the greenhouse as soon as I got them home.
Being succulents, they are checked and watered less often than our other greenhouse but they are no means neglected. Left on their own, some of them have shaped up to look more like blooms at this time of the year.
This one even looks like a rose...

Aeonium balsamiferum

Aeonium balsamiferum

Aeonium 'Ballerina'

Aeonium 'Ballerina'

Aeonium 'Zwartkop'
This one is not looking at its best but still looks pretty...
Aeonium 'Sunburst'
These two are as big as Peony blooms...

Aeonium hierrense

Aeonium 'Voodoo'
Okay, so they can look like flowers. One thing I have yet to see are Aeoniums in beautiful pots in flower shops sold as an alternative for cut flowers and other plants usually given as presents. Imagine the ones above and the one below in a nice pot, ribbons, gift tag, and all...
Aeonium 'Du Rozzen'

Aeonium 'Du Rozzen'
Makes sense don't you think so? And they last a lot longer than real flowers too and could potentially introduce non gardening recipients of such easily grown plants into gardening.Mark :-)