Fashion Magazine

These Boots Are Made for … Winter

By India Struthers @India_Alexandra

mandala shoes mallorcaI am so excited to share this post with you because finally after a few months of waiting I finally wore my “Mandala Shoes” boots out !! To christen them properly (minus stepping into the first little puddle I saw) I thought I would share a few photos with you, after all I am a blogger and well, it just seems right to share.  Remember I bought these ages ago in Palma (another little Mallorca purchase) ? That little market which we just happened to come across as we accidentally got a little lost trying to find our way to Es Baluard, the museum of modern and contemporary art in Palma. | See original post  (to help jog those brain cells) The day after we returned from our wonderful two day trip to London // see post(s) // the sun was shining and the air was as crisp as anything, it was beautiful and definitely reasoned a walk outside. Armed with my new hair (ok, it’s a trim I had, but whatever) and my brand spanking new boots from Palma I was ready to embrace all the glories of nature, nearby at Inverleith Park !! Just look at that holly shining in the late ...

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