Baseball Magazine

There'll Be No Cricket Questions. Promise.

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
There'll Be No Cricket Questions. Promise.This Tuesday night at Professor Thom's, the Special Category will be "England Trivia," seven questions about the land we separated from over two centuries ago. After all the trouble that was going on there last week, I thought we'd do a category for all the good folks in that ancient land.

The Q Train lightning round will be "True or False Trivia."

The Sneak Peek question for this week is:
"James Madison was what number President of the United States?"

We will get going shortly after 9 PM. The Red Sox take on the Rays in the second game of a split doubleheader on Tuesday night at 7. We've been getting some big crowds lately, so I recommend you get to Thom's on the earlier side. Hope to see many more of you tomorrow.

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