CHARDON, Ohio – Therapy dogs have helped many cope with stress and sadness, so it’s no surprise they played a big part in the healing process in the weeks after the school shooting in Chardon.
In all, 18 dogs visited with students and staff at both Chardon High School and Chardon Middle School. The therapy dogs were provide by Partners with Paws, a non-profit agency located in Russell Township.
The organization is dedicated to fostering positive academic, social, and emotional development in at-risk and special needs youth. They were quickly called in to help with the tragedy in Chardon.
Partners with Paws trainer Jim Bialosky and his dog Mac spent dozens of hours with Chardon students, making a connection Bialosky will never forget.
“The reaction was outstanding. The kids came to us, they opened up to us, and said things, and yes, I think it was very comforting to them. The teachers were there, the teachers were great. There wasn’t anybody that didn’t stop and say ‘thanks for being here,’ and it made us very proud.”
Partners with Paws showed two of its therapy dogs to NewsChannel5 during a session at Moreland Hills Elementary School. There, teacher Missy Bunsey has worked with therapy dogs for the past 10 years and fully understands their value in helping students with special needs.
“Children experience anxiety, and the level of acceptance from the dogs is instrumental in helping children feel good and positive about themselves,” said Bunsey.

Dogs and trainers are given follow-up instructions every two years.
Maureen Donnellon and her therapy dog Deion have been part of the program for the past 8 years. Donnellon was at the scene in Chardon just days after the shooting, and witnessed first hand the impact the dogs had on students and staff.
“They just felt a lot of joy with dogs being there, even if it was just for a few minutes of joy,” explained Donnellon. “It was just a piece of their day that they didn’t have to think about the tragedy and everything that happened. Just to be able to have a dog that can connect with the kids in that way, it just made me very proud.”
~ Courtesy of News Channel 5
Tags: dogs comfort children, making connections, Partners with Paws, Therapy dog