Entertainment Magazine

Thea Hjelmeland: Kulla

Posted on the 04 November 2019 by Hctf @hctf
Thea Hjelmeland: Kulla

Morwegian experimental pop singer Thea Hjelmeland wraps her feminist lyrics in multiple layers of electronics on her new album Kulla, with her vocals hovering above the din. She skirts the outer limits of the mainstream, takes unexpected twists and turns, keeping the listener's full attention in a gentle but firm way.

She is not afraid to take a stand (Hands Off, Nemesis), can describe the process of becoming a mother with equal parts of love and bewilderment (Born) and wax poetically about the joy of sex (Pleasure). Hjelmeland makes her own rules, using her impressive vocal range as the main melodic element in her percussion driven compositions.

Thea Hjelmeland: Kulla

Kulla is on her own label THEAH Music (CD, vinyl, digital).

  1. Hands Off
  2. Happen Go Stay
  3. Dåpen
  4. Mygirl
  5. Placenta
  6. Brother
  7. Born
  8. Vacuum
  9. Kvardag
  10. Farleg
  11. Nemesis
  12. No More
  13. Ritual
  14. Pleasure
  15. Preludium The Fool
  16. Reincarnation (The Fool)

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