Debate Magazine

“The Write Stuff” Calling All Writers and Novelists!

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Calling all novelists and writers!

Are you sick to death over what’s happened to culture and art in our society? Do you want to do your part to reclaim our culture?

One of the Left’s most insidious achievements is its almost complete takeover of art and popular culture. The purpose of art is threefold: First, to honor God. Second, to elevate men and women. Third, to add beauty to the world. The Left wants no part of any of that.

True to the spirit of their Communist forefathers, the Left’s agenda in regards to art and culture consists of the following:

To make the beautiful ugly and the ugly beautiful.

To remove God and Christianity from society.

To remove moral truth and replace it with moral relativism.

To make the abnormal normal.

To promote sexual perversion, adultery, and abortion and make them morally acceptable.

To promote diversity, multiculturalism, and racism.

To promote conflict between black and white, men and women, parents and children.

To replace religion and religious figures with vampires, werewolves, witches and demons.

To replace moral heroes with antiheroes, con artists, and comic book superheroes.

To consistently and forcibly lower society to the level of animals in order to accept their utopian NWO.

You can see the effect on society that fifty plus years of Leftist art and culture has done to this country. Take a look at Detroit. Take a look at Chicago. Take a look at the filth that passes for entertainment on television, at the movies, and at the newsstands and bookstores. (Ironically, it’s not even well written filth. There were better writers in my high school English class than among most of the professionals working today.)

People believe what their books, television programs, and movies tell them, whether fiction or non-fiction. And fiction often has more influence over society than non.

Did you know that the first people the Nazis came for, before the Jews, before the intellectuals, before the gypsies even, were the artists? The Nazis knew that the artist is the most powerful person on earth.

I want to know if there are others out there interested in learning how to create entertaining, morally responsible stories. If the interest is there, I’ll run regular posts on the art of novel writing.

Why novels? Because the cost of writing a book, which can run a dollar for a notebook and pen, is nothing compared to the cost of movies and television. Because books hold a powerful sway over culture. Because books require little to no collaboration. Because books are fun.

Not everyone has the time or money to run for office. Not everyone has the connections to host a talk-radio program or produce a film. Not everyone has the knowledge or inclination to start a non-profit and lobby politicians. But everyone has the time, money, and creativity to write a responsible novel. And everyone has at least one good book inside of them.

A couple of caveats: don’t expect to sell your masterpiece to any of the major publishing houses. They have agendas to pursue. The last thing they want is a novel that honors God, elevates men and women, or adds beauty to the world. You’ll likely have to publish and market your book yourself. But today, there are avenues to do that.

Here’s some more: If you want to write romance novels, this isn’t for you. If your dream is to be the next Stephen King, Lee Child, Dan Brown, or E.L. James, please, take a hike. I don’t want to contribute in any way to the types of books those authors write.

On the other hand, if you love reading Esther Forbes, Earl Hamner, Jr., Mark Twain, or watching movies by the Kendrick brothers, this is the place for you. If you want to write children’s books or young adult fiction, you’ve found a home. (Those are the two fastest-growing book markets, by the way, and they are markets that will never decline.). There might even be a little room for you Chandler-loving mystery types. If you’re a publisher, or someone planning to start a publishing company for uplifting, morally responsible books, you’ve just struck the mother lode.

Here’s some of what we’ll cover:

Hooking readers with your first sentence and first paragraph.

Titles (more important than you think)

Why the look of your page, and the amount of white space, is just as important as the words you write.

The art of writing description and dialog.

The nine secret ingredients that guarantee you’ll have a hit. (I learned these in the movie business, and yes, they work.)

Naming your characters (would Rhett Butler or Jett Rink be the same if they were named Eugene Butler or Sydney Rink?).

How to end each chapter on a cliff-hanger.

And a whole lot more.

So are there any novelists or would-be novelists out there? Let me hear from you.

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