Entertainment Magazine

The World of Dust: New Album "A Parallel Universe Inside - Live at De Groeverij"

Posted on the 28 February 2023 by Hctf @hctf
World Dust: Album Parallel Universe Inside Live Groeverij

When Stefan Breuer played at record store De Groeverij in Houten, The Netherlands on September 17 to promote the release of Gaman, the latest album by his The World of Dust project, he wasn't aware that he performance was recorded. Not on the cheap mind, but properly by the staff of the store. They had no intention to share it or release, but just wanted to get a good recording for their archives to listen to every now and then.

Enter the arrival of the photos that Ab al Tamimi had made that night, with one them having "album cover material" written all over. Breuer loved the photos and the recording and the folks at the shop were keen on releasing something on vinyl for the very first time.

A Parallel Universe Inside - Live at De Groeverij captures the intimacy of that night. Only 100 copies were made and save for Gospel, none of the tracks will be available in the digital realm. Don't sleep on it when you want to own a piece of superb intimate folk that digs deep. The album is available via De Groeverij and The World of Dust.

» theworldofdust.nl

HCTF review of Gaman.

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